We should first be aware of the public knowledge of child abuse. The first formal descriptions of inflicted injuries as such only appeared in the medical literature in 1946 and the phenomenon was not considered a significant problem until the 1960s. However, our four-legged creatures had protection laws even in the times before Christ. You can read Triptolemus BCE-476 for more information. For the next 14 years, child abuse was seen, but remained unresolved. It wasn't until 1974,when Congress enacted the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (P.L. 93-247), establishing the legal framework for current federal efforts which focus on data collection and technical assistance to states.
Statistics show that one out of every 10 ER visits treated were the result of abuse. But what is abuse? There several different forms of abuse.
The most prevalent forms are:
- Physical
- Sexual
- Child Neglect and Abandonment
- Educational Neglect
- Psychological Abuse
- Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
The second is harder to identify. On part of the victim because they may be scared or may have been threatened that harm would come to them if they told. On the otherhand, they may be told that it is ok to do those things, but not aware they were being lied to. On part of the perpetrator because they can perform certain things on the child that can not be detected through testing. It has been estimated that as many as one in four girls and one in ten boys will be victims of sexual abuse by the time they become adults. The most common ways to determine if sexual abuse has occurred is:
- The child discloses a history of sexual abuse
- The child presents with nonspecific behavioral or medical symptoms which are the underlying manifestation of sexual abuse
- The child has unexplained injury or medical findings consistent with those that would be received from sexual abuse.
Several underlying causes contribute to the totality of neglect. Social factors are the number one cause of neglect. Another is maternal/paternal factors. Parents who fall into the category often lack basic problem solving skills and social competence. They may be young or inexperienced, and ignorant of the nutritional, developmental and safety needs of their children.
Types of neglect include but are not limited to:
- Failure to thrive
- Inadequate supervision
- Abandonment/Expulsion
- Custody issues
- Other physical neglect
- Refusal of health care
- Delay in health care
- Educational neglect
Neglect and Abuse are often lumped together as child maltreatment and suggesting that the risk factors, dynamics and outcomes are similar. Child abuse gotten more publicity than neglect in recent years, prompting an outcry of 'neglect of neglect'.
Educational neglect is simply put, the neglect to provide education for your child, the means of obtaining said education or depriving them from education.
Psychological abuse is one of the lesser common forms, but abuse nevertheless. It is a repeated pattern of caregiver behavior or extreme incidents that convey to children they are worthless, flawed, unloved, endangered or of value only in meeting another's needs.
Other identifying factors of psychological abuse include but are not limited to:
- Ignoring or degrading a child or failing to provide necessary stimulation, responsiveness and validation.
- Rejecting the child's value, needs and requests for nurture.
- Isolation
- Terrorizing or threatening the child with physical harm
- Corrupting or exploiting the child
- Verbally assaulting the child
- Overpressuring the child
- Overexposing children to domestic and community violence
Child neglect, the failure to meet a child's basic needs, is a complex problem that is more prevalent than the better publicized problem of child abuse. Its long-term impact on physical and cognitive development can be severe. Social factors, such as poverty and lack of social supports, and parental disabilities, such as depression and substance abuse, play important roles in may cases of child neglect. Interventions must be individualized and long-term to be successful in creating a more nurturing environment for neglected children.
In conclusion, if you see something that doesn't look right, suspect something isn't right or feel in your heart of hearts that a child is suffering beyond the factors, don't hesitate to contact the authorities. It may be your report that speaks for the child. It may be your report that saves a childs life.
The National Child Abuse Hotline is 1-800-4-A-Child (1-800-422-4453)
*Information and statistics from "Recognition of Child Abuse for the Mandated Reporter: Third Edition" by Angelo P. Giardino, M.D., Ph.D. and Eileen R. Giardino, Ph.D., R.N., C.R.N.P.